What Can You Do With a Finance Degree? Top Career Paths

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics expects business and financial jobs to increase. This growth is projected from 2021 to 2031, a rise of 7%. It’s good news if you’re studying finance or recently graduated. The future looks bright with a finance degree.

A finance degree offers many career paths. It can lead to high-paying jobs in various sectors. From finance roles in the health sector to finance in the entertainment industry. Whether you like numbers, investments, or managing money, there is a suitable career path for you.

In this article, we’ll explore what can you do with a finance degree? We will discuss the skills needed, potential earnings, and future job demands. With a finance degree, you’re set for a world of opportunities.

Finance Professionals

Core Skills for Finance Professionals

To excel in finance, you need a mix of skills. These skills make finance pros stand out. Three key skills are vital for a successful finance career:

Analytical mindset

An analytical mindset is a crucial skill that enables individuals to systematically and logically evaluate information and solve problems. People with this mindset excel at breaking down complex issues into smaller, more manageable parts, allowing them to understand and address the root causes. This skill is characterized by critical thinking, attention to detail, and a reliance on data and evidence to inform decisions. Analytical thinkers are adept at identifying patterns, drawing insights from data, and making reasoned, objective conclusions. This approach is invaluable in various fields, including science, business, technology, and everyday life, as it enhances the ability to make informed decisions, solve problems effectively, and understand intricate systems and processes.

Organizational prowess

Organizational prowess is a vital skill that involves efficiently managing tasks, time, and resources to achieve goals and maintain productivity. Individuals with strong organizational prowess are adept at prioritizing tasks, creating effective schedules, and maintaining a clear, systematic approach to their work. This skill encompasses the ability to set goals, delegate responsibilities, and keep both short-term and long-term projects on track.

Effective organizational prowess also involves maintaining a tidy and structured environment, which enhances focus and reduces stress. This skill is essential in both personal and professional contexts, as it leads to improved efficiency, better time management, and the successful completion of projects and objectives.

Problem-solving abilities

Having an analytical mindset is a must. Finance pros deal with complex financial data. They use this data to make smart decisions. Understanding the numbers gives them the power to lead their teams well.

Organizational prowess is just as important. Finance experts handle vast amounts of data and reports. Being organized helps them keep track of everything. This way, they spot trends, fix issues, and follow rules easily.

Problem-solving skills are critical too. Finance pros often need to fix money-related problems. They use their smarts and organization to find creative solutions. These solutions help their companies do better over time.

With these three skills – an analytical mindset, organizational prowess, and problem-solving abilities – finance experts are ready for success. They can handle the challenges of the finance world. And they can succeed in many different finance jobs.

Benefits of Pursuing a Finance Career

Choosing finance as your career can lead to many exciting chances. It brings great job prospects, fantastic earning potential, and the versatility to work across different fields. These are just a few of the many perks finance offers for a fulfilling and successful professional journey.

Job Prospects and Growth

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says that business and financial occupations will grow by 7% between 2021 and 2031. This growth will create over 715,000 new jobs. Hence, plentiful job prospects in finance will be available, letting finance experts use their skills broadly.

Earning Potential

The finance sector also provides great financial opportunities. As of May 2021, the median annual wage for finance and business roles was $76,570. This was much more than the average wage. With such strong earning potential in finance, professionals can secure their financial future.

Versatility and Longevity

Finance stands out due to its versatility. It is a key part of all fields, like healthcare, non-profits, and even entertainment. This wide range of possibilities offers finance professionals the chance to find work that matches their interests. It helps ensure career longevity.

Challenges in Finance Careers

The finance world has lots of good parts but also some tough spots. It offers great job chances and the opportunity to make a lot of money. Yet, it comes with a high-pressure setting, a need for lots of experience, and changes in technology. These things can be tough for those starting in finance.

High-Stress Environment

Working in finance means fast-paced work with big risks. One small mistake can lead to big problems. Professionals in this field make important choices every day, often with little time and under a lot of pressure. It’s crucial to know how to manage stress and keep a balance in life to do well.

Experience Requirements

To get started in finance, you need a lot of hands-on experience, like internships or lower-level jobs. Getting these chances can be hard because others are all after the same thing. This makes it tough for new grads or those changing careers. To stand out in the finance job market, it’s vital to look for internships, talk to people who know a lot, and always work on improving your skills.

Technological Advancements

Finance is changing quickly, thanks to technology. Things like automation and artificial intelligence are used more and more. They make tasks from data analysis to investing easier. Finance workers must keep learning about new tech and be ready to use it. This way, they can do their jobs better and show they are up-to-date.

Challenges Strategies for Success
High-stress finance jobs Develop effective stress management techniques and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Experience requirements in finance Seek out relevant internships, network with industry experts, and continuously enhance your skills
Impact of technology on finance careers Continuously update technical skills, adapt to technological advancements

To do well in finance, it’s important to know and tackle these challenges. This puts you on the path for a successful and fulfilling career in this dynamic sector.

Finance Professionals work

Industries Hiring Finance Professionals

Finance professionals often work in banks or brokerages. But, a finance degree can open many doors. It leads to jobs in higher education, healthcare, and insurance. Finance experts are also needed in non-profit organizations and the film and television industry.

Higher Education

In higher education, finance experts are crucial. They manage funds for student aid and scholarships. These professionals help grow an institution’s budget wisely. They make sure an organization’s money is used well.


The healthcare field needs finance professionals too. They work in hospitals, doctor’s practices, and health agencies. Their job includes budgeting and analyzing finances. This helps healthcare places run smoothly and stay financially healthy.


Insurance companies look for finance experts for various roles. They need people for underwriting and auditing. These jobs require understanding financial risks and analyzing data. The goal is to protect the company’s finances.

Non-profit Organizations

Non-profits also need finance teams. They handle donations and make sure they follow tax rules. Finance experts help these organizations spend money wisely. They ensure financial transparency and good management.

Film and Television

Even the entertainment industry hires finance professionals. Production accountants manage budgets for movies and TV shows. They keep projects in good financial shape.

Finance professionals have many career options. They can find work in fields that match their interests. This helps various organizations do well financially.

What Can You Do With a Finance Degree?

With a finance degree, you open a world of job paths. You could work in commercial banking, investment banking, or focus on financial planning. Others might choose roles in insurance, public accounting, hedge funds, or venture capital.

There’s also real estate and high-level positions like a chief financial officer. What you pick depends on your own interests, skills, and how far you’ve gone in school. Having a bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD can lead to different finance jobs.

If you have a finance degree, many doors are open. You could go into banking or dive into investments. Perhaps you’d prefer working in healthcare, for nonprofits, or the fun world of entertainment. Having strong skills in finance helps you land jobs that really interest you.

Finance Degree

Top Entry-Level Finance Jobs

Are you just starting in finance? There are some great entry-level finance jobs to think about. This includes being a financial analyst, an accountant, or working as an investment banker.

Financial Analyst

Financial analysts work with a company’s financial info. They help leaders make smart investments to grow the business. You need to be good at figuring out complex numbers and giving sound advice.


Accountants take care of a company’s money matters. They spot financial trends and create in-depth reports. This job is all about being organized and focused so the company’s financial statements are correct.

Investment Banker

If you become an investment banker, you’ll sell and trade investment products. You’ll also give financial advice to big and small companies. This job needs you to be a great communicator and know a lot about the financial world.

To grab one of these finance job, you usually need a bachelor’s degree. Sometimes you’ll need more education or certifications. With the right schooling and skills, you can do well in finance.

FAQs on Finance Degree Jobs

What are the top career paths for someone with a finance degree?

A finance degree can lead to many different jobs. You can work in banking, healthcare industry, or the entertainment industry. Common careers for finance grads are financial analyst, accountant, and CFO.

What skills are essential for success in finance careers?

To do well in finance, you need to be good with numbers. An analytical mind helps you understand financial data. You should keep everything organized and be good at solving problems.

What are the benefits of pursuing a career in finance?

Finance jobs offer good pay and strong job growth. The field is also wide, with many ways to specialize. The median pay is high compared to other jobs.

What are some of the challenges in finance careers?

Finance jobs can be stressful, and attention to detail is crucial. Navigating entry can be tough, requiring competitive internships. Staying current with technology is also a challenge.

What industries hire finance professionals?

Finance experts can work in various fields. This includes education, health, insurance, and more. Even the entertainment industry looks for finance skills.

What are some of the top entry-level finance jobs?

Entry-level finance includes roles like financial analyst, accountant, and investment banker. Analysts use company data for smart investing. Accountants manage finances, while bankers trade securities and offer advice.