What is the Best Water to Drink for Healthiest Lifestyle?

Did you know that tap water in the United States is not only significantly cheaper but also less damaging to the environment compared to bottled water? This statistic highlights the importance of hydration and the need to investigate the healthiest drinking water options available today.

Water, making up approximately 60% of the human body, serves as a vital component in the proper functioning of your cells, tissues, muscles, and biological processes. The benefits of drinking clean water go beyond mere hydration; they can significantly contribute to your overall well-being. With a plethora of water types out there, ranging from structured water and tap water to mineral, spring, glacier, distilled, alkaline, and purified water, discerning which option provides the healthiest drinking water can make a substantial difference in your life.

Understanding the importance of hydration and the varied nutritional benefits each type offers can transform your daily water intake from simply quenching thirst to fostering a healthier lifestyle. Let’s delve into these different types of water and highlight their unique pros and cons, helping you make an informed decision about the best water for your hydration and overall health.

Types of Drinking Water

When exploring various drinking water choices, it’s important to understand the differences to make the best decision for your health. The types of best water range from tap water to mineral water, purified water, and those to avoid. Each has its unique attributes and benefits as well as potential drawbacks. Let’s delve deeper into these options, examining the safest bottled water options and versatile filtered water options.

Tap Water

Tap water is one of the most common and economical drinking water choices. In the United States, it is regulated by the EPA and must go through various purification methods, including chlorine and ozone treatment, to eliminate bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants. While it is safe for consumption, it may lose some essential nutrients in the process. Additionally, some areas might experience issues like lead contamination, as seen in Flint, Michigan, making it crucial to stay informed about local water quality reports.

Mineral Water

Mineral water, often one of the top bottled water brands, is sourced from underground springs and naturally replenished with essential minerals. It must contain at least 250 parts per million of mineral solvents, including magnesium, sulfate, bicarbonate, and calcium. These minerals are crucial for maintaining electrolyte balance and can benefit overall health, like regulating blood pressure and supporting muscle functions. However, consumers should be aware of the presence of trace amounts of arsenic in some sources.

Purified Water

Purified water undergoes extensive treatment processes such as distillation, reverse osmosis, or deionization to remove harmful substances. Whether from tap or groundwater, these methods ensure the water is free from contaminants but can also strip away beneficial minerals and electrolytes. Often marketed under various top bottled water brands, purified water might need remineralization to enhance its nutritional value and taste. Understanding the differences in purified vs. filtered water can help in making informed decisions about your drinking water choices.

Types to Avoid

Certain water types may pose health risks due to high contaminant levels or nutrient deficiencies. For instance, distilled water, while free from impurities, lacks vital minerals and may not support long-term hydration needs. Similarly, water high in sodium can adversely affect those with kidney issues or hypertension. It’s essential to avoid such options and focus on the safest bottled water options with added essential minerals, ensuring a balanced intake of nutrients and promoting overall well-being.

Pros and Cons of Popular Water Types

alkaline water benefits

Understanding the benefits and downsides of different water types is crucial when choosing the right drinking water for your health. Below, we dive into the specifics of two popular water types: Alkaline water and distilled water, examining their respective pros and cons.

Alkaline Water

Alkaline water is known for having a higher pH level, typically around 8 or 9, compared to the neutral pH of 7 found in tap water. Among the notable alkaline water benefits is its potential to neutralize acids in your bloodstream, which may contribute to overall better health. Some studies suggest that alkaline water might also slow bone loss and improve hydration.

However, it is essential to recognize that excessive intake of alkaline water can alter your body’s pH balance, potentially leading to issues with your immune system and bones. While the alkaline water benefits are promising, it is necessary to consume it in moderation.

Distilled Water

Distilled water undergoes a purification process that removes contaminants as well as vital minerals. The absence of minerals such as calcium and magnesium can make it less beneficial than other water types. When considering distilled water vs spring marvel, it’s important to remember that distilled water lacks essential nutrients. The lack of vitamins and minerals means that long-term consumption could impact overall health unless you supplement the water with minerals.

On the positive side, distilled water is free from bacteria, fungi, and parasites, offering a high level of purity. However, compared to other options like mineral or purified water, it falls short in providing the necessary minerals needed for optimal health.

When choosing the right drinking water, weigh the purified water benefits against the potential downsides of lacking essential nutrients in distilled water. By understanding these factors, you can make a more informed decision that fits your health and hydration needs.

What is the Best Water to Drink?

When choosing the best water to drink, it’s essential to consider the composition and mineral synergy of various water types. Despite the lack of a definitive “healthiest water,” ensuring that your water is clean, safe, and fits your personal health needs should be a priority. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates tap water, which undergoes rigorous testing and treatment to meet stringent guidelines, ensuring safety for consumption. In contrast, bottled water, although also regulated, can sometimes be just unprocessed tap water, often carrying a higher financial and environmental cost due to plastic waste.

Furthermore, different types of water like mineral water, distilled water, and alkaline water offer unique benefits and potential drawbacks. Mineral water, rich in essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and potassium, can improve bone strength and digestion. However, it must contain at least 250 parts per million of mineral solvents, according to the FDA. On the other hand, distilled water, commonly used in medical facilities, is stripped of both contaminants and minerals, potentially necessitating supplementation to maintain a balanced diet. Alkaline water, with its higher pH of 8 to 9.5, may offer health benefits, but overconsumption might lead to imbalances in body pH levels.

How to drink more water?

Staying hydrated is vital, but many people struggle to drink enough water daily. To increase water consumption, consider setting regular reminders throughout the day. You can also enhance the flavor of your water with natural additives such as lemon, cucumber, or mint. Adjusting your water intake based on factors like exercise level, weather, and specific physiological conditions such as pregnancy can also help meet your hydration requirements more effectively. Emphasizing the importance of hydration and choosing high-quality drinking water tailored to your needs not only boosts your overall health but also reinforces strong hydration habits.

Ultimately, the key to identifying what is the best water to drink lies in understanding its properties and impact on your body’s needs. Whether you opt for mineral-rich options or purified varieties, the focus should always be on maintaining consistent and adequate hydration for a healthier lifestyle.


What is the best water to drink for the healthiest lifestyle?

The best water for a healthy lifestyle is clean, safe, and meets your personal health needs. Healthiest drinking water options include mineral water for its nutrients, purified water free of contaminants, and alkaline water, which may offer additional benefits despite needing more research to confirm its efficacy. High-quality drinking water supports overall hydration and health.

What are the different types of drinking water?

The main types of drinking water include tap water, mineral water, purified water, spring or glacier water, distilled water, and alkaline water. Each type has its unique properties and benefits.

What should I know about tap water?

Tap water is convenient and economical, typically undergoing purification with agents like chlorine to remove bacteria and pathogens. However, it may lose some essential nutrients during the process. Using a water filter can help improve its quality.

What are the benefits of mineral water?

Mineral water is sourced from underground springs and is rich in essential nutrients like calcium and magnesium. These can help with hydration, blood pressure regulation, and bone health, making it a favorable drinking option.

What is purified water, and what are its benefits?

Purified water is taken from tap or groundwater and undergoes extensive treatment to remove harmful substances. While it is very clean, it may need remineralization to replace lost minerals and electrolytes for optimal hydration and health.

Which types of water should be avoided?

It’s best to avoid water types that contain harmful compounds, lack essential nutrients, or have high levels of sodium, which may impact kidney function and overall health. Be cautious of certain distilled and processed water types that lack necessary minerals.

What are the pros and cons of alkaline water?

Alkaline water has a higher pH level, which may help neutralize acids in the bloodstream and potentially offer health benefits like slowing bone loss. However, excessive intake might alter body pH and weaken the immune system and bones. More research is needed to confirm its benefits.

What should I know about distilled water?

Distilled water has been purified through distillation, stripping it of contaminants as well as beneficial minerals. While it is safe to drink, the lack of nutrients means it might not be the best option for long-term hydration and health unless supplemented with essential minerals.

How can I drink more water daily?

Tips for increasing daily water intake include setting regular hydration reminders, carrying a water bottle, and enhancing water flavor with natural additives like lemon or cucumber. Staying mindful of when and how much you drink can help you maintain proper hydration.